Welcome to the practice page for /ɔI/ vowel (as in ‘Choice’) in General American English (GenAm).
Choice | Joints | Join | Toil | Hoist |
Toy | Soil | Poised | Moist | Joyce |
Oil | Soy | Void | Coil | Boil |
Oink | Foil | Boy | Broil | Coin |
Voice | Point | Ploy | Joy | Enjoy |
/ɔI/ Phrases- Repeated Occurrence |
Destroy toy | Oiled joints | Boiled poi | Oiled moist | Deploy Lloyd |
Toils foils | Void coins | Hoist joists | Employ Troy | Hoists Croix |
Soy koi | Coy boy | Join Joyce | Poised royal | Joins ploy |
Enjoy toys | Boil soil | Avoid poison | Coil toil | Poise foiled |
Point choice | Detroit oiler | Decoy choices | Boil soil | Spoiled choy |
/ɔI/ Phrases- Single Occurrence |
Oil car | Essential oil | Enjoyed day | Koi pond | Eat oysters |
Pig oink | Soiled shirt | Use foil | More points | Void charge |
Oiled machine | Broiled fish | Soy beans | Joined forces | Found coin |
My voice | Boiled potatoes | New toy | Was poised | Detroit, Michigan |
Burger joint | Oiler rig | The ploy | Spoiled food | Make choices |
/ɔI/ Sentences- Repeated Occurrence |
Floyd enjoyed his oysters for lunch | Is an oink voiced or voiceless |
The cowboy was annoyed by the decoy | Did you join the coin or voice club |
I avoided the spoiled bok choy | It’s a choice to avoid the roiling wind |
You can boil or broil the pork loins | The employee was annoyed by the boy |
Hoist the joints until they join | Joyce is in the boiler room fixing a coil |
/ɔI/ Sentences- Single Occurrence |
My appointment is at noon | The royal family is not home |
The rat poison isn’t working | The band is very noisy |
We will rejoice in the morning | The koi pond is beautiful |
The boys are playing inside | I love fried oysters in Baton Rouge |
The milk will spoil if left out | They will void the transaction fee |
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