Welcome to the practice page for /a/ vowel (as in ‘Lot’) in General American English (GenAm).
Got | Stop | Shop | Drop | Top |
Lot | Hot | Yacht | Spot | Lock |
Swan | Want | Swap | Sock | Shot |
Drop | Pop | Stock | Knot | Slot |
Honk | Clock | Rot | Cot | Lodge |
/a/ Phrases- Repeated Occurrence |
Socks drop | Not stop | Stops jog | Want laws | Tot cot |
Lock dock | Chop shop | Blot spot | Top knots | Dot dots |
Crop plots | Swap prop | Slop job | Swaps props | Hot trot |
Got mop | Stocks drop | Swan flock | Fog grogg | Not lot |
Shock Scott | Mop spots | Clocks tock | Watt knot | Block hops |
/a/ Phrases- Single Occurrence |
Got it | Little tot | The hog | Fast jog | New job |
Prop up | Swap out | Car honk | Stock market | Tree rot |
The stocks | Hog farm | Very hot | Dot lines | Fast trot |
Want this | Soda pop | Big plot | Wet bog | Check clock |
Window shop | Felt shock | Pretty yacht | Romp around | Tie knot |
/a/ Sentences- Repeated Occurrence |
The stocks dropped after the laws changed | The yacht went to a chop shop |
The top job was very sloppy | Mom makes mock frocks for dolls |
Blot the ink spot with the mop | The rotten log is in the bog |
The plots in the bog are for crops | I want to play dot to dots |
They chopped the lock off the dock | It’s her job to swap out the props |
/a/ Sentences- Single Occurrence |
Where is your bus stop | It was a good shot |
Did you get the new job | There are more traffic stops now |
Tots to teens is a clothing store | These are the time slots available |
I dropped my keys through the grate | The clock on the wall is broken |
Is it hot or cold outside | The fog is very bad today |
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