Welcome to the practice page for /I/ vowel (as in ‘it’) in General American English (GenAm).

/I/ Words

/I/ Phrases- Repeated Occurrence
Is BritFig dipDim litThin chinWhip mix
Ship skiffIf itsPinch ribBrick tinLip grin
Fish finDig inHip jigFlip wigSlim trim
Whiz kidStill itchDid winHit rinPick six
Big mittQuick tipSick pigGive fibFit bit

/I/ Phrases- Single Occurrence
See finSit downFeel fitA jigTake pill
Hurt hipTrash binWill liveGive backJeweled pin
Did whatUp hillDid whatRip upBit hard
Know TimIt canFelt illNot inNext of kin
Miss youWhat ifIts ownFix upSix more

/I/ Sentences- Repeated Occurrence
It’s a quick trip for youJim is a whiz kid
Kim felt ill after dinnerThe sick pig will live on the farm
The shrimp and fig dip are wonderfulThe thick quilt needed a new stitch
The little boy did give a fibPlease fix this quickly for him
He needs a chill pill for itDig into the big list and get started

/I/ Sentences- Repeated Occurrence
We have six eggs leftDid they call you too
We can rig up a solutionThe bug bite does itch
The goalie kicked the ball hardWhere is the best restaurant
What if I lose the passwordMoles can dig up your whole yard
I have a long to do list nowWe had a candle lit meal