SLP Externship Checklist

SLP Externship Checklist

Once you have been matched with a potential SLP externship placement, you may be thinking “Now what?” I have an SLP Externship Checklist that you may find helpful in getting yourself organized. This checklist is a guide for SLP graduate clinicians as they begin their off-campus externships. The tasks and timelines listed below are general expectations. Keep in mind that each site is unique and may have different or additional requirements. Blank spaces are included for the clinician to make their own notes about responsibilities.

Before the externship begins, keep in touch with the supervisor regarding onboarding requirements and expectations. Throughout the semester, check in with your externship supervisor regularly. Reach out to your on-campus externship team at any time with questions or concerns. Good luck to you!

SLP Externship Checklist

Once Placed

Each graduate program handles SLP externships slightly differently. Some match students directly with a site while others leave it up to the graduate clinician to find their placement. Either way, the site will have its own onboarding process as well. Generally, it’s a good idea to follow up with the site’s point of contact within 48 hours to see what that process is. One tip- double check your spelling of the site’s name as well as the name of the point of contact/s and their respective titles.

☑️  Reach out to the site- within 48 hours
☑️  Send resume and cover letter- within 48 hours
☑️  Schedule interview– if applicable
☑️  Submit application- if applicable
☑️ Send references- if applicable
☑️ Other:

Once Confirmed

Most sites will have an interview process. For some, this is just a formality and a chance to meet you as well as discuss the placement and any expectations. For others, there are multiple candidates that they will select from. First, once your placement is confirmed, CONGRATULATIONS 🎉. Do a little celebratory dance right now, if you haven’t already 💃🏻 🕺🏽.

☑️  Let your on-campus externship team know
☑️  Ask the site about the onboarding process (Things that are usually required include: CPR Training, Criminal Background Check (CBC), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and TB Screen)
☑️  Confirm schedule at the site with supervisor (Start/end dates for the semester, daily schedule)
☑️  Ask supervisor about expectations and responsibilities (i.e., daily schedule, # of clients seen, transportation to clients’ homes/schools, documentation and timelines, projects, etc.)
☑️ Other:

SLP Externship Interviews

Highly Recommended

The information above covers a lot of what I see across sites. However, there are a few additional things I recommend to ensure that you are well prepared for your externship. Your supervisor will be appreciative and you will feel better about beginning this experience.

☑️  Ask supervisor what you should know/read/practice before beginning
☑️  Familiarize yourself with formal and informal tests used at the site
☑️  Plan extra time into your schedule for commuter issues
☑️ Acclimate self with the site (i.e., observe sessions, do chart reviews, etc.)
☑️ Other: 

Throughout Externship

Be sure to check in with your supervisor throughout the externship experience. Some programs may require that you have a midterm and final meeting. If so, the supervisor should have directions on how to complete that. Also, ensure that you are updating your hours in the tracking system used by your program and that your supervisor is approving these. Lastly, reach out to your on-campus externship at any time with questions or concerns (or to tell them how much you are enjoying the externship- we don’t hear this enough 😎).

SLP Externship

You can purchase the full checklist HERE. What else do you do to prepare for externships? Let me know in the comments below.

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