Speech-Language Pathology in Senegal

Senegal is a small country on the coast of West Africa. It has 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites, including Lac Rose, which translates in English to Pink Lake. The primary language is Wolof, with French and English being taught in schools. Senegal has a population of 17 million but only five Speech Pathologists and they are all based in the capital of Dakar.

I had the opportunity to interview Amy Niang on Instagram Live on February 21, 2023, to find out more about Speech-Language Pathology in Senegal. With only 5 SLPs to serve 17 million people, Senegal needs more providers. Continue reading to find out about services in Senegal and how to get more involved. ⬇️ You can view the full interview HERE 👈


What are the educational requirements for Speech-Language Pathology in Senegal?

In Senegal, there are no universities with SLP programs. There is one private university of dentistry but there is a lack of trainers or quality speech therapists who have time to teach. Students never can finish their terms and end up changing majors. SLPs can work in hospitals and schools; there is a great need but not enough providers in Senegal.

How do families access services in Senegal?

Most families are not aware of speech therapy, even if their child is nonverbal. So, they aren’t seeking out services. Since the SLPs in country are in the capital of Dakar, families that do know about speech therapy must get on a waitlist and often travel. For an evaluation, it takes about 6 months to get an appointment. fter the evaluation, it is about another 12 months to get seen for services but these will also be in Dakar, which some families may not be able to travel to regularly.

How do families pay for services?

Sessions are $50, which is too expensive for most families. Not to mention, there is additional transportation costs for families outside of Dakar. Cost is a big prohibitive factor to receiving services.

What are the barriers to accessing services?

Costs of services, transportation to and from services, lack of providers, and lack of awareness speech therapy and benefits.

How can people volunteer in Speech-Language Pathology in Senegal?

There are several ways to get involved. SLPs can provide trainings to caregivers or local professionals. French speaking SLPs are needed to help translate materials into French. Universities can organize study abroad programs or organize an externship for graduate clinicians in country.

If interested, reach out directly Amy Niang at Paminaje@gmail.com or DM @AmyNiang on Instagram. Read my Travel Tips for Short-Term Work Abroad for SLPs

If you are a SLP outside of the U.S., I would love to interview you! Please drop your contact information below, email me directly at Kari@GlobalSpeechTherapy.com, or DM @GlobalSpeechie on Instagram.

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