7 Strategies for Supporting Language Development at Home

As a speech pathologist, I am dedicated to helping clients improve their language skills. While therapy sessions are important, there are plenty of activities that can be done at home to further enhance language abilities. Here are 7 strategies for supporting language development at home.

language development at home
  1. Model Correct Grammar
    When your child produces a sentence with incorrect grammar, rephrase the sentence using the correct model. Have them repeat the corrected sentence. For example, if they say, “Me want a cookie,” respond with, “I want a cookie.” By providing the correct model, you are helping them internalize proper grammar structures.
  2. Simplify Verbal Directions
    When giving instructions or directions, simplify them to 1-2 steps at a time. Use gestures or models when necessary to aid understanding. Breaking down instructions into manageable chunks helps them process and follow directions more effectively.
  3. Encourage Open-Ended Questions
    When engaging in conversation, ask open-ended questions that require more than just a yes or no response. Use questions that start with “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” or “how.” For example, instead of asking, “Do you want the ball?” ask, “What do you want?” This encourages them to use complete sentences and provide more details in their responses.
  4. Picture Descriptions and Storytelling
    Show the child pictures and ask them to describe what they see. This activity enhances their vocabulary and expressive language skills. You can also provide multiple pictures and encourage them to create their own story based on the visuals. This helps foster creativity, narrative skills, and language fluency.
  5. Labeling and Describing
    While reading, point to pictures of items, people, or actions and have the child label them or describe the action. This activity strengthens their vocabulary, comprehension, and expressive language. Encourage them to provide detailed descriptions to further enhance their language skills.
  6. Daily Activity Narration
    During daily activities such as cooking or bath time, narrate the steps involved and focus on key vocabulary. For example, while cooking, describe the ingredients, actions, and sequence of steps. This helps the child develop vocabulary related to specific activities and strengthens their understanding of sequencing and temporal concepts.
  7. Scavenger Hunt
    Give the child 2-3 simple descriptions of items around the house and have him locate them. For example, tell them to ‘Find something that is round and bounces.’
language development at home

Supporting language development at home is a valuable complement to therapy sessions with a speech pathologist. By implementing these recommendations, you can actively support your child’s language development. Remember to make the activities engaging and enjoyable, tailoring them to their interests and abilities. With consistent practice, patience, and encouragement, you can make a significant impact on their language skills, fostering their communication abilities and overall growth.

Have an Alexa? For ideas on using Alexa to work on language skills, view my blog post HERE.

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